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80 Years Ago, To This Week

2025 will commemorate the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, a moment to celebrate and remember those who supported and shaped history. Richard Gamble, ENL Groups’ Managing Director, reflects on his family’s manufacturing heritage and the contributions of his Great Grandfather and Grandfather, who played a small but significant role during a pivotal time in history – “the pride I hold for both my Great Grandfather and Grandfather for the small part they played”.

The Beginnings: Gamble Piano Action (GPA)

In 1919, Richard’s Great Grandfather founded a business called Gamble Piano Action (GPA), located on Albert Road in North London. The company specialised in manufacturing Higel–Gamble Actions (internal working of a piano) and Tuskite Keys, an innovative alternative to ivory piano keys.

Contributions During the Second World War

At the onset of the Second World War, many manufacturing companies, including GPA, redirected their resources and expertise to support the war effort. As a manufacturer of wooden components, GPA initially produced parts for fighter planes and other aircrafts. Later in the war, the company expanded its production to include Plexiglass components.

Due to the heavy bombing of London, GPA relocated its manufacturing operations to Cirencester and Bognor Regis. It was during this period that the company began producing Gun Turret Canopy’s for the Nash & Thompson Frazer Nash hydraulically operated turrets, as well as Pilot canopies for both Spitfire and Hawker Hurricane. Some examples of their work are shown in the photographs below.

A Visit From Sir Stafford Cripps

Eighty years ago, to this week, Richard’s Great Grandfather hosted a visit from Sir Stafford Cripps, who was then the Minister in Charge of Aircraft Production. Accompanied by his wife and other members of the Ministry of Aircraft Production, Sir Stafford toured GPA’s facilities.

For context, in November 1942, Cripps stepped down from being Leader of the House of Commons and was appointed Minister of Aircraft Production, a position outside the War Cabinet in which he served with substantial success until May 1945, when the wartime coalition ended. A supporter of Air Chief Marshal Harris‘s strategic bombing campaign against Germany, Cripps stated in a July 1943 broadcast that “the more we…can destroy from the air the industrial and transport facilities of the Axis, the weaker will become his resistance…The heavier our air attack, the lighter will be the total of our casualties”.

Cripps rejoined the Labour Party in February 1945, and after the war he served in the 1945-1951 Attlee ministry, first as President of the Board of Trade and between 1947 and 1950 as Chancellor of the Exchequer. Labour Party member and historian Kenneth O. Morgan claimed of his role in the latter position that he was “the real architect of the rapidly improving economic picture and growing affluence from 1952 onwards

Following the visit, Richard’s Great Grandfather received both a private letter and a message for the GPA workforce, both signed by Sir Stafford.  “I have wondered if there is some significance to the Red Ink, so if anyone knows, please tell’, he enthuses.

Post-War Transition

After the war ended, the manufacturing sites in Cirencester and Bognor Regis were closed. Richard’s Great Grandfather and Grandfather returned to their original focus on manufacturing piano parts. They retained a manufacturing site in Stroud, near Cirencester, before selling GPA in 1952.

A New Chapter: Electromag-Neil Ltd (ENL Ltd)

Following the sale of GPA, Richard’s Great Grandfather retired. In 1958, Richard’s Grandfather founded Electromag-Neil Ltd (ENL Ltd), a company that he continues to run today. This marks the continuation of a proud family tradition of innovation and manufacturing excellence.

Historical letters from Sir Stafford Cripps and photographs of the Gamble family’s manufacturing heritage are available below.